Graphene pavilion in (MWC) the Mobile World Congress

Graphene pavilion in (MWC) the Mobile World Congress
The last week Spain hosted the Mobile World Congress (MWC) trade show in Barcelona, and it was a very large and impressive conference – with over 100,000 visitors and hundreds of exhibiting companies. This year the MWC included a graphene pavilion, organized by the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) and Graphene Flagship, The Graphene Flagship the European graphene Europe’s $1 billion research project initiative designed to propel graphene forward from the academic laboratory and into European industry and society, will be at the heart of the Graphene Pavilion.
Organizers make Graphene pavilion in (MWC) because they know graphene one of the most Interesting and versatile materials available to mankind and every day, it seems we learn of another amazing application. As an industry mobile has much to gain from this so great transformative material.
With several companies showcasing real graphene products and prototype devices, and also several research groups from leading Universities. The Pavilion consisted of 11 companies and 9 research centers and you could see graphene materials, large graphene EMI shielding films (from GNext), graphene sensors, graphene supercapacitors (From Zap&Go, soon to hit the market) and graphene-based RFID tags and antennas.
The Graphene revolution is happening all around us and its impact on many of the building block components of the mobile industry will be profound. Graphene will revolutionize display technology (for flexible screens), sensor technology (for wearables, Internet-of-Things, Smart Cities), energy transmission and storage technology (for supercapacitors), and chip technology (for data communications).

Mobile world congress (MWC) 2016
The Graphene Pavilion was very impressive part in congress and have unique space to explore the latest innovations from both academia and industry and appears of prototypes and demonstrations on display.
As the mobile industry strives to maintain its pace of innovation, Graphene has much to offer – helping to solve problems of flexibility, smart batteries and sensors amongst others. Graphene will help to facilitate the next generation of mobile technology from chips and interconnects for data communication to screens and casings. For example, the strong and flexible nature of graphene makes flexible displays and bendable batteries possible and its excellent sensing ability can be used in the next generation of wearable electronics and will help to provide the building blocks for the internet of things. Graphene has been shown to produce excellent supercapacitors, helping to push forward the development of revolutionary batteries.